Postpartum Royalty w/ Carson Meyer

Carson Meyer is a doula supporting mothers on the path to a healthy, empowered and harmonious pregnancy, birth and postpartum. In 2016 she graduated from New York University where she studied the mind-body connection, child development and holistic health. In one of her classes she was assigned to watch the Business of Being Born, a documentary about giving birth in America. It was the first time she'd seen footage of unscripted birth and it opened her eyes to the upsetting realities of the "birth industrial complex" in the US. The film struck a chord and ignited her calling. After moving home to Malibu, California she took her doula training and never looked back. Over the past seven years she's had the privilege of supporting hundreds of parents through pregnancy, birth and postpartum. As a doula she meets her clients where they’re at on their unique journey and offers resources, education and support for home or hospital birth. She helps parents navigate the many choices they have so they can feel confident, connected and empowered throughout this sacred time. 
Firstly, can you take us to your favorite place in nature, whether that’s a far off dreamy destination or your own backyard. Paint the scene how you like!

It's hard for me to pick just one! I was born and raised by the pacific ocean and it will always be my happy place. I love the sound of the crashing waves, the salty air and the feeling of a plunge in the cold water. Now I live in the mountains of western North Carolina. Our log cabin is situated high upon the Blue Ridge Mountains and the view is absolutely breathtaking. It is the most peaceful, serene feeling to be up where the birds are flying and clouds are floating by. 

Gorgeous! Thanks for sharing that. You have been supporting mothers in their birthing journey for years before becoming a mother yourself. How did you become fascinated with birth?

My fascination with all things birth and motherhood began after seeing the documentary The Business of Being Born. It opened my eyes to a side of childbirth and motherhood I had never been exposed to. That film ignited my calling and changed my life. I am forever grateful!  

Beautiful. Thank you for that. I think that motherhood is unique to each mother and so much of the time we can try to mother from an intellectual place, rather than a feeling or intuitive place. As a birth doula, how do you support women to access and more importantly trust their intuition? Do you have any tips or practices for us to engage with to strengthen our trust muscle in this arena?

Such a great question. I believe that one of the greatest blocks that keeps us from accessing and following our intuition is fear. As a doula I work with parents to help them unpack and address their fears around birth and the fears that are imposed onto them by others. The more we understand the source of our fears and work with them the better we can trust our intuition and the innate wisdom of our bodies. 

At Milky Oat, our mission is to nourish motherhood. We have very specific guidelines for doing so when formulating and creating our menu and meals but we hope that our meals are a gateway to more self-care and self-love during the postpartum season. This self-care can look very different mother to mother. What are some of your tips for new moms when it comes to self-care? What has self-care looked like for you in the recent months as a new mama?

In the first 40 days after birth I received bodywork three times a week from a postpartum doula. These massages did wonders for my nervous system and healing body post birth. We often think of massage and other healing modalities as indulgent luxuries but in other cultures they are seen as a necessity. A healthy mom is the key to a healthy baby. I am obsessed with the new registry platform Little Honey Money. They are shifting the conversation and providing what mothers really need, support! A well cared for, nourished and rested mother is far more valuable than any gadget on the market!  

Another self-care ritual that instantly grounds me is a warm salt bath and scrub down with my C & The Moon Malibu Made Body Scrub. Something about being in the water leaves me feeling recharged and refreshed.

Food is our foundation for what we believe it means to be nourished in motherhood. What did you crave in the early days of postpartum? How did your nutritional needs or desires shift from pregnancy to postpartum?

I couldn’t agree more! Nourishing meals are the foundation of wellbeing for all stages of life, especially pregnancy and postpartum. I really believe that my pregnancy and postpartum experience was overwhelmingly positive because of my focus on good nutrition. In the early days after birth I craved warm foods, braised meats, stews, broths, coconut milk and congee. My nutritional needs stayed pretty consistent throughout pregnancy and postpartum but I focused on warming foods that were easy to digest in the early weeks after birth. 

As a birth doula, can you share with us the best ways to prepare for birth?

I think the best way to prepare for birth is to become informed about your choices and how you can set yourself up for a healthy and positive experience. Also- finding your village, your community and your support system. My Growing Together Circle is a wonderful way to prepare for birth and postpartum and connect with other mamas.  

Thank you so much for all of your insight. I’d like to end with a final question on postpartum. On your perfect vision-board of the world, what does the postpartum experience look like for modern mothers? 

On the prefect vision board a postpartum mama is treated like royalty. She is fed all of her meals in bed, massaged frequently, her boundaries and need for alone time with baby are honored by everyone, she has all the support she needs, she is able to cuddle and nurse all day long without tending to any chores or work until she is ready to do so, her partner has time off work to enjoy the sacred window with her and baby, her partner has support so he can be present of her,  she has a pelvic floor therapist visit her in home and has lots of mama friends to call upon when she needs loving support.


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