Dr. Anietie Ukpe-Wallace, PT, DPT, also know as Tia, is an orthopedic and pelvic health physical therapist who specializes in providing a continuum of care and support from pregnancy loss to postpartum all while emphasizing the importance of self-care. Tia has had a life-long fascination with the human body and its inner workings which ultimately led her to the path that she is on today. Beginning with a formal introduction to movement in college, she has continued that journey ever since. As a yoga teacher of 8 years around the Bay Area, her practice morphed from one of structure and ego to one of humility and independent thinking. After her own chronic struggles surrounding her pelvic floor and multiple miscarriages, she has grown a love for learning and understanding this part of the body that is rarely talked about and sometimes even misunderstood. She is currently a Doctor of Physical Therapy in Oakland, CA where she offers both tele-health and concierge/in-home therapy services through her practice, Self-Care Physio. In addition, she is the curator of Tending to Your Womb Retreats and is an amateur pole and Lyra artist. She is a wife, mother to her 8-year-old daughter and a cat mom.
Where do you find peace in nature?
I find peace in nature when I am surrounded by tall redwood trees as well as the sound of water from a river or the ocean. They are both very calming and comforting to be in the midst of them.
What were the breadcrumbs that led you to your career?
My mom was probably the beginning. I saw how self-care was not at the forefront and how much the nurturing side of being a mother and a nurse ravaged her body. I would also say many of my own experiences physically and emotionally have led me to the career path I am on right now. The misunderstanding I had around my pelvic health in the past has led me to even more understanding, learning and curiosity.

What is your own experience with motherhood?
Motherhood has been a wild ride. I always knew I wanted to be a mother but never knew what kind of mom I would be. My first journey towards motherhood was actually being a stepmom to my stepdaughters. I really learned a lot about myself and how to parent and mother. I think it really helped set me up for being the mother that I currently am to my daughter.
Being a mother and caring for my own mother as she ages has made me really confront how to mother on a deep level, beyond the superficial and daily tasks, but how to listen and connect more.
What is on your vision board for modern motherhood?
I see more nurturing, more connection and support in modern motherhood. Where there are circles of mothers to connect with on a regular basis and not just in early postpartum, where we are nurturing ourselves in the same way that we nurture and care for our children and receiving support in all the ways mothers need to be supported in both the home and in our careers.
What is a go to meal you’ve been nourishing yourself with lately?
MI love a really hearty and warming meal, and I am a big fan of risotto. It is creamy and warm and so versatile as well. My go to risotto is tomato and sausage based with the addition of spinach and Parmesan cheese. It is the perfect meal for early fall season.
What are you currently working on or focusing on in life and career?
I am currently letting go of my position at the local hospital that I work at, so I can solely work in my private practice. This will provide space for me to start taking on pediatric pelvic patients, work on spreading the word about my upcoming retreat for womb tending for those who have experienced pregnancy loss, and finally start the process of writing a book!

If you had to name this season of your life, what would it be called?
Introspective fall. I love fall, and as the weather starts to cool down and the nights get longer, I feel myself draw inward more. I am more of an introvert and find myself coming into times of introspection even during spring and summer, as well as during big changes in my life. Spending quality time with myself, which is rare, allows for me to do this. It is a great time for reflection and seeing where I want to go next in my life and career and prepare for the next year.
How can we all connect with you?
I can be found on IG @selfcarephysio or @tendingtoyourwomb. My website is selfcarephysio.com. You can also find me on YouTube with some instructional videos under the same name, or email me at tia@selfcarephysio.com.
Dr. Tia is one of the expert teachers featured in our new postpartum planning course, Postpartum Bodies, where she shares holistic care practices to support the pelvic floor after birth. Many of us have fears related to the pelvic region and what is to become of it after birth. Now is a good time to shed that fear through empowering knowledge.