Nadine Artemis, the author of Renegade Beauty and Holistic Dental Care, is the creator of Living Libations, a pure and luxurious line of organic oral care, botanical beauty care, and medicinal elixirs often called the “holy grail” of wholesome skincare. Artemis is an innovative aromacologist, and her healing formulations and her concept of renegade beauty encourage effortlessness and inspire people to rethink conventional notions of wellness and beauty.
We love your concept of natural beauty. What thoughts do you have on beauty in relation to the changes a woman’s body goes through while becoming a mother?
Our bodies are alive and always shifting and humming with hormones, and this is especially true during pregnancy. These shifts and changes are often reflected in the complexion and in skin sensitivity as well as in our gut and oral health. Knowing your body, how it responds and what it likes and needs before pregnancy gives good insight into what your body will need during and after pregnancy.
Botanical oils can help bring balance to the skin when hormones are in flux, and moms-to-be can use most essential oils (properly diluted) throughout pregnancy. Also, as the belly expands, it is good to keep the skin well lubricated. Lavender, neroli, frankincense, seabuckthorn, and rose oils diluted in jojoba oil are great for balancing the skin and preventing stretch marks —and they are safe to use frequently.
The best response to bodily changes during pregnancy is gratitude! Your body is doing the exquisite work of growing and delivering a baby, and that is beautiful. Take time to sit in awe and gratitude at this marvelous miracle and the intricacy of the body.
We are big fans of your holistic approach to dental care. Do you have any tips for supporting dental health during pregnancy?
Pregnancy is an optimal time to pay special attention to oral health because what is good for mom’s mouth is also great for baby’s future smile.
Brushing with botanicals and using ozone on the gums will keep bad, plaque-causing bacteria at bay and the gums pink and healthy. Botanical oral care also helps to keep the bodies’ microbiome in balance, which is really important in pregnancy.
What we eat also influences oral health. I recommend eating a low oxalate diet that is rich in fat soluble vitamins K2 and D3 and trace minerals (zinc, magnesium, iodine, sulfur, selenium, and silica). Swishing with these minerals is a great practice as it keeps saliva sweet, which makes teeth healthy and strong.
We are living in an epidemic of low vitamin D levels, and this vitamin is crucial for strong, white teeth. There is no greater source for replenishing our D3 levels than the sunshine. Let the sun shine on bare skin for a few minutes every day and let our ancient sun-skin relationship keep you juicy and lubricated with vitamin D.
As a mother, can you tell us a bit about your personal postpartum experience?
As much as you prepare beforehand, you still will be surprised after giving birth by nuanced shifts that occur in every aspect of your being. Before birth, discern what delights your body and map out your care strategies. For me, I spent time in the sunshine as much as possible, walking in the woods, and prioritized resting.
Which of your products is your favorite for postpartum support?
Petal Soother Yoni Serum is an essential for postpartum healing. It is full of soothing oils that cool, relieve, and cleanse the tender tissues of the yoni. I also recommend applying a Best Skin Ever on the hips, belly, and breasts to keep the skin lubricated as it stretches and relaxes. Our Best Skin Ever is an amazingly gentle do-all. It can be used to cleanse and moisturize both mom and baby from head to toe.
We know that you love to experiment with new ways to support your health and wellbeing. What has that looked like recently?
I have spent this summer going on barefoot walks to enjoy that contact with the earth, and basking in the sun is always good for my wellbeing. Right now, I am spending all the time I can outside in the sun before we move into the short, cold days of winter.
What is something that has been bringing you joy lately?
Nature nourishes my soul, and lately my joy is juiced by cold dipping in the lake, and then lying in this luxurious spot of spongy green moss in the woods and inhaling the autumnal air.