The Holistic Venus w/ Manuela Fortunato

Manuela Fortunato is a Biologist, registered dietitian specialized in Clinical Nutrition and Plant Medicine Woman. Former researcher in Endocrinology, Metabolism and Lipid Research at Washington University, she quit and moved to Italy where she has her own online clinical practice and teaches to women all over the world all about Ancestral Nourishment. Her focus is on mitochondria, minerals, metabolism, hormonal health, fertility, fascia, quantum biology, German New Medicine, nervous system, emotional body and feminine energy, but especially to remember what it means to feel good in the female body.

We’d love to hear about your backstory. What led you to become The Holistic Venus?

I was living what I like to call “my previous life” lol. I was a researcher in Endocrinology, Metabolism and Lipid Research at Washington University and I had reached my dream of bringing my work as a presenter at the American Diabetes Association international conference with something like 30K attendees. At the end of it, I realized I didn’t feel fulfilled, but actually felt pretty empty and started to ask myself questions. At the same time I broke up with my ex partner and started to experience acne and PCOS. And then it hit me: research wasn’t for me. All the funding was meant to create a new drug instead of truly helping people, same answer I got from conventional medicine for my hormonal and metabolic disorders. So I quit my job, moved back to Italy, took my health in my own hands and created The Holistic Venus with the intention of supporting women in understanding their female body and symptoms and finally feel good, no bandaid solution involved.

As a registered dietitian and endocrinology expert, what advice do you have for women who want to live in harmony with their hormones but don’t know where to begin?

First things first: do you actually know how the female body works? Having a solid education on female biology is key, especially in today’s world of trends and fad diets and “biohacks”. Do you know if you have actually ovulated this month? How’s your metabolism? Glucose levels? Adrenals? Nervous system? And I’m not talking about labs. I’m referring to learning to decipher your body’s messages. It’s simple, but it takes education. Plus, you get to develop the deepest connection with your body. And that’s a strong foundation nobody can take away from you. Let’s start there.

What is a common myth about women’s health you’d like to debunk?

That heavy menstruation and low iron go hand in hand. I see the opposite in my clinical practice in almost every case. Think about it for a second: why would the wise body get rid of precious iron with heavier menstruation if your circulating iron was already low? The problem is that iron can get stuck on tissue level, therefore blood analyses detect “low iron” (hence you are always fatigued, muscles feel sore, losing hair, etc). The thing is that the wise body is trying to get rid of that stuck iron on tissue level with menstruation (aka the release of the endometrium, the tissue that layers our uterus). The solution? Helping iron metabolism by recycling iron from tissue back to circulation, so that we experience energy again, our cells can receive oxygen, muscles work with exercise and recover normally, and menstruation finds its balance again (plus we avoid a lot of inflammation that happens when the tissue is engorged with iron – especially important for the reproductive organs in women).

What is your number one tip for women in the postpartum space?

Rest and NOURISH YOUR BODY. Your body went through the most difficult challenge. You downloaded most of your mineral reservoir to your baby during the whole pregnancy and literally went through the ring of fire during birth. Now it’s time to replenish your minerals and mitochondria and give time to your tissues to heal.

Would you tell us a bit about the importance of mitochondrial health? What are some ways we can support our mitochondria?

Minerals are key to mitochondria. Without them mitochondria wouldn’t be able to transform the food we eat into energy. Plus quantum biology holds a special place in my clinical practice, because we want to allow the flow of energy (aka electrons) anywhere in the body to support cellular functions, and especially mitochondrial work.

Walk us through a day in your life. What are some of your daily routines for supporting your own femininity and wellbeing?

Cuddles with my cats are a waking up must. Then I make my zabaione latte (a pre-breakfast drink I created to honor my Italian heritage as my grandpa used to make zabaione for me growing up), feed my cats and prepare breakfast. I love to read before starting my work day. The mornings are usually for computer work then have a walk in the park. Lunch time and consultations or online courses work. Then maybe hit the gym or meet with friends. Have dinner and go to sleep. Every day is not the same. I work from home and love the freedom it gives me.

What is a meal you’ve been loving lately?

I cook a lot and as a proud Italian I’m a very good cook. Pasta dishes are my forte: the last one was fettuccine with sausage and pumpkin and it was the creamiest yummiest coziest meal ever. I also love meat and make incredible stews (colder months are literally calling for them). Uh lately I made pork shanks! So good and rich in gelatin which is absolutely key for amino acid balance and cellular health 😉 and it’s delicious!

Want to learn more about how to align ancestral nutrition, metabolism and hormones with female biology?


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